Kanda让女儿Cake在制片厂的庆功派对上替她拿下巨星Ton的签名,因为她是Ton的忠实粉丝。Cake在派对上穿着漂亮,完全不像她平日的打扮。派对期间Cake喝醉了。她带着醉醺醺的身体向 Ton 要他的签名。Ton没有认出Cake,以为Cake是他的好朋友Peeredetch请来取悦他的副业女孩。Ton赶紧拉着Cake 进了电梯。第二天早上,Cake不见了,Ton对前一晚的事感到迷茫。Ton在门后的地板上发现一张Cake和她母亲Kanda的照片,顿时想起Cake…
Set inside a pre-war duplex in downtown Manhattan, The Humans follows the course of an evening in which the Blake family gathers to celebrate Thanksgiving. As darkness falls outside the crumbling building, mysterious things start to go bump in the night and family tensions reach a boiling point