The film is a modern-day film noir in which the sardonic, ginsoaked detective contends with an odd cast of characters while tailing a mysterious, middle-aged man traveling with a Mexican boy from Chicago to Los Angeles. John Rosow is a Chicago gumshoe whose skill for cracking a case often comes with a price; he has a penchant for getting in over his head, but he never loses his...
Sarah Plummer is an FBI Agent whose family is taken hostage while she is on a flight to Washington, DC. "Turbulence" occurs when a mysterious stranger, Michelle, is seated beside her and Sarah is forced to make a decision that could cost her the lives of her husband and twelve-year-old son.
A fantasy thriller, where one face merges into the next. The thread that connects the worlds of the two protagonists, Niki and Lefteris, is memory, violence and a polemic of hope. A 'solo' performance in many respects by The Boy (director, writer, art director, composer) and his actress Sofia Kokkali, Nima challenges the values of contemporary society, with a unique cinematic a...
居住在宾夕法尼亚州的泰勒家两姐弟:美丽开朗的荷莉(伊丽莎白·哈诺伊斯 Elisabeth Harnois 饰)和羞涩内敛的内森(瑞恩·马尔伽里尼 Ryan Malgarini 饰)在同一所高中就学。某天放学后,等待荷莉完成拉拉队练习之后一同回家的内森,被两个列敦镇(Riddle)男孩带走,从此下落不明。该事件在接下来的两年时间里,始终如阴云一般盘桓在荷莉心头,不曾消散。某天,荷莉意外在市集发现弟弟的蛛丝马迹,她不顾一切驱车来至列敦镇寻找。这座小镇死气沉沉,阴冷压抑,空无一人的街道上仿佛有无数只眼睛窥视着一切外来者。惶恐不安的荷莉求助当年负责弟弟一案的小镇警长理查德(方·基默 Val Kilmer 饰),但却遭到对方冷漠拒绝。
在警长女儿安珀(迪奥拉·拜尔德 Diora Baird 饰)的帮助下,荷莉得以解除当年的卷宗和当事人。沉珂已久的案件重提,小镇...
Antonio has spent his whole life away from Italy, his home country. He crosses paths with Leo, a young Italian artist who is trying to make it abroad. The old man’s and the young woman’s destinies mirror each other. Memories from the past are awoken and end up offering a more peaceful future to both of them.
While Bright Fields preps for its Mistletoe Ball, a broken ornament leads Zoe to a family secret, while Gaby finds herself at the mercy of new boss Mia.