The 1973 novel was written by Kobo Abe and follows a nameless man who gives up his identity to live with a large cardboard box over his head, encountering a range of characters as he wanders the streets of Tokyo。
Anamika, whose mother is Indian and father is English, returns to care for her mother who is suffering from dementia. But the mother-daughter relationship is not an easy one. When her mother was younger she was a promising singer, but a series of unexpected situations, including a move to the United Kingdom, an unplanned pregnancy, and raising a daughter alone, have made her emotional and stubborn. White-skinned Anamika used to lie about being adopted, and the wounds she received from her mother after her father died when she was ten have become a trauma. The time left for them to shake off the long shadows and reconcile with each other is too short. As her mother’s illness worsens, Anamika must prepare herself for medical and legal issues as well as her career and what lies ahead. With a meticulously crafted script this film shows the change in their relationship through dialogue.
薇薇安(艾玛·汤普森 Emma Thompson 饰)是一位学识渊博的博士,让年轻的她没有想到的是,上帝竟然给对生活和学术充满了热情的自己开了一个天大的玩笑,经过医生的确证,她患上了卵巢癌,病情已经发展到了末期,几乎没有治愈的可能。 从悲伤、抗拒到最后的接受,薇薇安的内心犹如踏过了千山万水。尽管康复的希望渺茫,但她还是积极地接受了可能令她形销骨立的化疗治疗。在身体逐渐枯萎,头发接连落光的过程中,这位睿智的女性也不忘对自己的前半生进行捉摸和思考,她在有限的生命中看到了无限,最终调整好了心态,以平静之姿态,面对必然到来之死亡。
1980年9月。Mustafa'Mehmet Ali Alabora'和他的妻子都是劳工,结婚5年。这对夫妇与政治无关,尽管每天晚上外面都有枪声,但他们还是和3岁的女儿和电视愉快地度过了每一天。一个星期五的早晨,他们醒来,听到收音机里Hasan Mutlucan的声音,看到士兵们在街上游行,这证实了已经发生的军事政变。逮捕立即在工作场所和社区开始。然而,穆斯塔法非但没有被打扰,反而认为所有的担忧都必须有正当的理由。直到他被拘留的那晚,他被指控犯有代号为“Sehmuz”的激进分子的罪行。
The world outside the forest has been ravaged by a deadly virus. Young Marko is faced with losing everything as he must journey through a shattered world, shrouded in silence and overtaken by the Infected and the conflict-torn remnants of humanity.