The 1973 novel was written by Kobo Abe and follows a nameless man who gives up his identity to live with a large cardboard box over his head, encountering a range of characters as he wanders the streets of Tokyo。
布特(古斯塔夫·冯·沃根海姆 Gustav von Wangenheim 饰)是一家不来梅地产公司的职员,受公司委派去一座古堡与诺斯费拉图伯爵(马科斯·夏瑞克 Max Schreck 饰)做房屋买卖交易,但是在古堡附近的旅店投宿时,人们得知他目的地的反应都很奇怪。到了古堡,见到面目枯槁、行为古怪的诺斯费拉图伯爵,也得知他昼伏夜出的生活习惯,布特对他的身份心生窦疑,终于探知他就是传说中的吸血鬼。布特逃出古堡,伯爵也一路奔向他买好的、位于不来梅的房子。布特回家后,得知吸血鬼伯爵已经到来,而且正是他令小城瘟疫肆虐,他和妻子艾伦(Greta Schröder 饰)一起,开始设法消灭吸血鬼伯爵……
第34回東京国際映画祭Amazon Prime Video テイクワン賞受賞者、金允洙(キム・ユンス)監督の長編デビュー作。オリジナル脚本による、隔離されたホテルで繰り広げられる12人の群像劇。
Full-length feature debut of director Kim Yunsoo, the winner of the Amazon Prime Video Take One Award at the 34th TIFF in 2021. An ensemble drama about 12 people stuck in a hotel.
A bipartisan group of U.S. defense, intelligence, and elected policymakers spanning five presidential administrations participate in an unscripted role-play exercise in which they confront a political coup backed by rogue members of the U.S. military, in the wake of a contested presidential election.
The story is carried by Mady, student by day, locksmith by night. But Claire, the enigmatic young woman she is helping out one night, isn’t what she seems to be. This door isn’t that of her apartment. And the bag she wants to recover at all costs isn’t hers, but Yannick’s, a man whose questions Mady will have to answer to. Caught in a hellish race, Mady only has one night to pr...